Hello! My name is Atlas. I am one of the 12 members of the Saros System. I take on the role of the worker, the diplomat and the masker. This means that I front whenever we go to formal events and situations, such as work, meetings, (doctor) appointments and various other public events. I am responsible for making us appear presentable - level-headed, groomed and intellectual. Consequential, I am the one to do the masking (of autistic traits, of plurality, of queerness) whenever needed. My main goal is not to be ourselves, but instead getting along the most with people. Have as few conflicts as possible, act as discreetly as possible. Because of this, I’ve often had difficulties getting along with the other headmates. I understand their want to be openly themselves, but sometimes safety comes first and we have to watch how we act and look. On the other side, I’ve also had moments of being annoyed at the other headmates for being so overbearing and unsympathetic towards me. I’m just doing my job. But oh well. Enough of my worries. Someone’s gotta do it, so for better or worse, it’s me. |