what does eternity feel like?
Seconds and minutesDays and months
Years and decades
Centuries and millennia
All passing silently without a stop
Mountains grow and crumble
Flowers bloom and wither
Seas rise and recede
Creatures live and die
All in the blink of an eternal eye
Millions of words spoken in a thousand languages
Delivering love and hate
Countless of kisses given
Countless of wars fought
All under the same skies
Billions of stars born and die out
Billions of planets form and flourish
Galaxies dance around each other
Atoms move away from each other
All in the same universe
Oh, what it might feel like
To be the eternal eye
Letting everything pass me by
Reaching out my all powerful hands
and touching the grass of a foreign place
Would it be a blessing,
to be able to watch all of it forever?
Or would it be a curse,
to be alone and formless forever?